Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: mantra

Self Care for Moms in 2018

Self care. It’s this term that has become dutiful and hush-hush and exclusive all at the same time. We’re told to practice it regularly, that we deserve it, and that it should be this major production. But I call bullshit. Look, self care for moms in 2018 doesn’t have to be a big fucking deal. It can be practical and routine and boring and cheap and fantastic. It’s just gotta get done. Here’s how. Continue reading

How Meditation Calms This Anxious Mom

I am a mom. And I have anxiety. I don’t have a severe enough case that I need to take medications or see a specialist, but by the end of a long day I sometimes feel like I’m wound up and unraveling at the same time. Since my first pregnancy, I sporadically turned to meditation to quiet my mind and relax my body. But a few months ago I began a nightly ritual of stillness and meditation. And it has been miraculous. Here’s exactly how meditation calms this anxious mom.

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Three Mantras for the Tired Parent

Part of being a parent is just admitting that you’re tired. Perpetually, everlastingly tired. You can be tired and completely content at the same time, of course, but oftentimes that’s not the case. We are mentally and physically exhausted. Add in a toddler meltdown or a diaper blowout, and suddenly you feel like you have been pushed over the edge.

It’s no secret that I’m a big supporter of attachment parenting, but that’s not really what this article is about. Rather than talking about what to say to your kid, or how to act, I’m asking you to look inward. Freeze for a split second and get a sense of perspective. And say a mantra to yourself.

Here are three mantras for tired parents: connect with them, memorize them, use them, and breathe. Continue reading

How I Prepared For A Drug-Free Birth

Any healthy woman who has a low risk pregnancy can work towards a drug-free birth if that is what she desires. However, it does take time and effort to prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Additionally, I really do think that all women need to have a mental plan on how they will deal with pain, even if they intend to have pain relief during labor.

I have had a natural birth in a hospital, and one in a birth center. Here are the biggest pieces of advice that I can give to any mother who is curious about pursuing a drug-free birth! Continue reading

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