Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: medical (Page 1 of 2)

A Non-Invasive Bumblefoot Treatment for Backyard Chickens

Let’s get right to it: Chickens are dirty. They dig around in the dirt all day and with that comes a certain amount of, well, mess. So bumblefoot happens. It’s sometimes possible to have a non-invasive bumblefoot treatment where you don’t have to cut into your chicken’s foot but can heal the bumblefoot with soaking and topical medications. Read on, and know that I’m here to help!

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What You Need In A Chicken Medical Kit

When you become a chicken tender, you learn that having a backyard flock is a lot like having feathered kids who poop in the grass: they get hurt, they get sick, and you are their caregiver so it’s on you to take care of them. In the three years of having chickens, I’ve started to build an arsenal of what to have in your chicken medical kit. Here’s what I have, how I use it, and how you can be prepared!

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What’s the Fuss with Amber Teething Necklaces?

Many moms swear by amber teething necklaces for their toddlers, claiming that the amber drastically reduces fussiness and pain associated with teething. Others say that the concept of amber makes no sense and that the jewelry is a waste of money. So what’s the fuss with amber teething necklaces, anyway?

I’ve been secretly dying to get my daughter a teething necklace and I finally did it! Now I’m here to share everything I’ve learned and observed. Continue reading

The Doctor Who Paved The Way For Premies

I want all parents to know about this man: while his name isn’t as popular as it should be, it doesn’t undermine what he did to literally save thousands of premature babies. Before his dedicated care, premies were basically sent with their parents to die at home. Because of his selflessness and determination, baby incubators were adopted into hospitals. Now a premature baby has an extraordinarily better chance at survival. All thanks to this man, Dr. Couney. Continue reading

Living with Endometriosis and Infertility

Imagine you’ve been praying for the souls of your future children since you were 14. You marry your high school sweetheart and you know you want a house full of kids.

And then you’re told you may never be a mother.

That’s what happened to me. And don’t worry, my story has a happy ending. But I had a long road to walk, often alone, carrying the burdens of emotional and physical pain. My hope is that this article will shine some light into life with endometriosis and infertility, and remind you that when it comes to getting pregnant… Well, it ain’t over till it’s over, sister. Continue reading

Weird Newborn Facts

Newborns are incredible, strange creatures. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that they’re really tiny humans, and not wrinkly little aliens. 

Here’s my weird cool amazing list of over 20 newborn facts! If you have one that I haven’t listed, drop it in the comments below! Continue reading

A Complete Birth Plan

We are getting closer and closer to the big day!  We’ve spent a lot of time speaking to medical professionals, attending classes, and doing lots of our own research – all with the intention of making the best birth plan possible for our son. This birth plan is written with a hospital birth in mind, and my emphasis was on a natural/drug-free birth. I’ll write a birth center-specific plan soon.

I wrote this adorably innocent article in 2013. I’ve revised it now that I’ve birthed two kiddos 🙂 Free PDF download included!

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