Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: movie

Our Favorite Christmas Books

We try to be a minimalistic family, but not when it comes to books! And Christmas books are no exception. Each year I gather a few more stories to add to our little box of holiday books, and it’s a wonderful feeling to see that box come down with the Christmas decorations every year. My oldest is reading now and my youngest isn’t far behind, so what a perfect time to tell you all about our favorite Christmas books! Read on for our recommendations and please add your own favorites in the comments. Merry Christmas and happy reading!

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The Ultimate Digital Thermometer Comparison Review

No one likes to have a sick kid. There’s of course the fact that your child doesn’t feel well, but then there’s also the stress of what to do: do you go to the doctor straightaway, call and see what Doc suggests, or try to wait it out at home? One of the main variables that parents use to make this decision is to get their child’s temperature. And an accurate reading is absolutely essential when speaking to your medical professional; that’s the first thing that our pediatrician wants to know! We have had such bad luck with thermometer after thermometer – and we’ve accumulated quite a few over the years! – that it only made sense to do a comparison of all our thermometers. Look for photos, manufacturer information, and a demonstration video at the end of the article which goes through all of them and how they’re used! This is the official Real Simple Mama Ultimate Thermometer Comparison Review. Continue reading

How to Make Time for Your Oldest Child

My son, my oldest child, is almost four years old, and he’s not the baby anymore. His toddler sister still breastfeeds and requires a lot more attention (and supervision) than her calm, obedient older brother. This is great for me as a stay-at-home mom; but it also means that my son gets left behind sometimes, just because he’s older and can be trusted, forgotten about while his sibling wreaks havoc left and right.

Lately I’ve made more of a conscious effort to get quality one-on-one time with my son. He needs it, and so do I. Here is how to make time for your oldest child. Continue reading

Great Music to Listen to With Your Kids… in Every Genre!

I love playing music for my kids! We almost always have some type of music playing in our home and in the car. As a music educator, it’s a passion of mine that my children hear great music from all genres on a regular basis. I truly feel that we are putting our kids at a disadvantage if we limit what they listen to: while kids’ music is just fine, it leaves out so much great repertoire!

So I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite artists by genre, so that you can look into them with your own family. You can tie in various genres to the recipes you’re cooking, books you’re reading, places you’re going… the possibilities are endless! Continue reading

Self Care for the Busy Mom

I’ve read about a thousand posts about self care for moms. And I always get anxious that taking care of myself means sacrificing quality time with my kids, or time to clean up and get work done. There are so many great ideas out there, but I feel guilty when I think about leaving my toddler crying on the floor so that I can sip my coffee while it’s still hot. I can’t enjoy my alone time with some of these extravagant ideas… and some I just plain can’t afford.

So here’s what I’ve done: I’ve looked at my own life and what works for our little family. I’ve looked at things which make me happy and recharge the batteries of my soul. And I’ve looked at things which are easily doable on a regular basis, when (gasp!) the kids are around. What’s made it into this article are the things which fit every one of those qualifications.

The result? Self care for the busy mom. These tips won’t make you feel like you’re a horrible mother, because your kids won’t suffer. You can take care of yourself while taking care of the kids, too.

Just remember: you can’t serve others when your cup is empty. It’s taken me years to admit this, but it’s true. So take care of yourself and be well, my friend. I’m in the trenches with you, but I’m still smiling! Continue reading

Family-Friendly Christmas Movie Favorites!

Ok guys, I need help. I admit it. I love Christmas! I’m probably a little addicted to finding the next great Christmas movie that I can watch with my kids. And I want to build my list.

Here I’ve created a varied list of Christmas movies which I love watching with my family. Some were favorites from my childhood, while some are newer to me, but all of them hold a special place in my heart for this special time of year.

With that, I’m asking for your suggestions. Comment and tell me your favorite family Christmas movie (sorry, Bad Santa) and why you love it. Let’s all expand our holiday movie-watching repertoire! Continue reading

What I Hate Most About Children’s Media

I have hated this since before I was even a parent. It was incredulous to me how this could be so accepted and so widespread. Doesn’t anyone get it?! Wake up, people! This is what I hate most about children’s media. And the worst part is that you may not even notice it.

Warning: this is a rant post. But I hope you’ll read with an open mind, because I have a good point damnit. Continue reading

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