Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: newborn (Page 2 of 6)

Tips for Nursing in Public (NIP)

If you breastfeed, it seems like it would be super simple to leave the house. No bottles, no formula, just put the baby to the boob and let them get it straight from the tap! But I know that paranoid feeling of “But what if they get hungry and I have to feed them… what if someone sees?!” Let me give you some tips for nursing in public comfortably and confidently. Continue reading

A Mama’s Instinct

Us mamas have doubt coming at us from all sides: everyone from our well-meaning mother in law to the old lady at the grocery store fuel that little voice in our heads which constantly says “You’re screwing up your kid.” But I’m here to give you a breath of fresh air, and to remind you that a mama’s instinct is pretty damn amazing. Continue reading

The Best Quick Guide to a Gorgeous Brelfie!

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the stunning images which have gone viral: a mother breastfeeding her child. This new trend for the breastfeeding selfie, aka “brelfie“, is not only helping to normalize breastfeeding, but it’s a gorgeous keepsake for the mom. Breastfeeding can be so difficult, painful, and time consuming, that these photos are extra special! You could save these to your phone, upload to social media, or even have them printed!

The guides I’ve seen for making a brelfie weren’t easy to follow (and the process is quite simple, as well as free), so I’m jumping on the bandwagon to tell you how to make one! Essentially you’re editing a brelfie photo on your phone with a free app, adding the tree with roots and then some badass filters.

This process can take less than 5 minutes, but I warn you: it’s addicting!

Continue reading

Creative Gifts for Babies (and Their Parents!)

Babies are so fantastic: they’re adorable, resilient, and don’t require much. But that leaves loved ones in a bit of a predicament: what exactly do you get for someone who has a baby? You could always go the Target gift card route, but if you’re old-school like me you like for the parents to have something to really “open.” Plus it’s so much more fun to shop for a baby! Here are my suggestions for the best creative gifts for babies: they’re original, they’re useful, and I can promise you that they will be appreciated! Continue reading

The Sweetest Sibling Gift

When we found out we were expecting a second child, I was ecstatic! But I also wanted a way to bond with my son, my one and only, before his little sister arrived. I’d read that it would help the oldest child adapt to the idea of having a sibling if they “gifted” something to the baby, and it sounded like a beautiful thing to do. We found the perfect thing: the sweetest sibling gift, made with love. Continue reading

My Top Picks for Newborns

What should you really get for a newborn? While stores and media try to convince us that there are hundreds of things you just gotta have, the truth is that a baby’s needs are quite simple, and easily met.

Here’s an AP mom’s perspective on the only items you truly should have, either for your own baby or as a gift for new parents. Continue reading

The Double-Edged Sword of Mom Guilt

Unwinding in a fragrant, steaming hot bubble bath. Eating a delicious hot meal slowly and deliberately, savoring every bite and enjoying meaningful conversation. Getting a spa pedicure. Peeing alone. Apparently as a mom, I’m not supposed to want those things. Because if I do it means that I don’t love my kids. Mom guilt is real, and it sucks.

I don’t have anyone to blame for this mentality more than myself. Sure society can be a bit of a jackass sometimes, and make me feel like I should always be overjoyed to be trapped in my home 24/7 with my offspring. I don’t earn an income per se (though let’s not get started on the outrageous daycare savings) and I don’t have a “real job.” I mean, all I do is sit around and watch TV in yoga pants, right?

Cue hysterical laugh. Continue reading

Milestones, Leaps, and the Wonder Weeks: A Real Simple Introduction to Your Baby’s Development

Being aware of your baby’s milestones and leaps will save you a lot of worry and stress, as you are able to anticipate and meet their needs. Remember that a baby grows more (physically and neurologically) in their first year, than any other year of their life!

I didn’t even know what a milestone was with my first kid until he was close to a year old; no one told me about it, and it would have helped me so much with my first baby! And leaps? Forget about it! (Oh if I only knew then what I know now, right?).

This text is designed to help parents and caregivers navigate the rough waters of baby development. Awareness of leaps and milestones allows parents to guide their infant through all of the changes, regressions, and new skills which each leap presents. Continue reading

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