You can usually tell when one is coming. Electricity is in the air and the ground begins shaking. You can practically hear the sound of sirens in the distance. Or maybe there is no warning, and the storm is upon you in an instant. Your child is having a tantrum. The truth is, all kids go through tantrums. It’s normal and healthy. But that doesn’t make it easy (or fun) for anyone involved. Here is some helpful advice from an AP mama who’s in the trenches, just like you. Continue reading
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Last night, as my baby slept in my arms, I wrote letters to her and to my 2.5 year old son. I’ve kept a journal for my boy since before I was even pregnant, writing wishes and thoughts on paper. I have one for my little daughter too, telling her of my pregnancy journey and all the wonderful things she does. I’m begging you to do something similar for your children. Write to your kids, or paint, or record your voice. Something. It is so worth it. Continue reading
Throughout your pregnancy journey, you will probably come across at least some of these common abbreviations. I’ve compiled this list to hopefully save you some confusion! Continue reading
You may have heard about some parents-to-be playing music for their unborn baby, and might even have thought about trying it yourself. Sarah and I have done some research and talked to some parents who’ve tried this. There seem to be mixed feelings on this topic… Music for baby while they’re still in the womb. Read all about what we’ve learned about music for unborn babies and what we recommend as new parents.
They weren’t lying when they said that parenthood is the most challenging, yet most rewarding, thing that you will ever do. I felt so prepared to bring my son home and begin nourishing him, providing him with safety and love and guidance. I had taken all the classes, bought all of the stuff, double checked all of our lists and asked all of our questions. We were as ready as we could be!… or so we thought. Read on for the real honest account of my first two weeks as a mother.
Being the father of a baby that isn’t here yet can feel like you’re sitting on the sideline of the most important game of your life. But just because she’s the one doing all the work in actually carrying your future son or daughter, that doesn’t mean your involvement is not important. Sarah is now in her third trimester and I feel more needed than ever. There are so many things that we can do as husbands that will be much appreciated. Here are my quick and easy tips for how we can be involved as dads. Continue reading
Learning that you’re going to be a new dad can be very stressful. I know because I was. I had no idea what I was going to do once our child came into the world, so I did what I naturally do when I want to learn about something. I went online and began researching. Here’s a little tip: every new dad needs these instructions, called The Baby Owner’s Manual Continue reading