Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: person

Body Autonomy and Your Kids, with Lindsay Brooks

Has this ever happened to you: a kid barges in your room while you are changing and starts asking you about your own body parts? Perhaps your child takes a bath with a sibling and questions arise about each other’s bodies. When these moments come up with your children, do you freeze a bit or perhaps feel uneasy? What should you tell your kids? What is appropriate for them to know at this age? Let’s look together at how to start the talk about body autonomy with your kids (and why you should).

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The Best Gifts for a Chicken Lover

Ah, I love chickens. They are so quirky and funny, adorable and useful. They’ve really snuggled their way into my heart! I am unashamed to say I’m a chicken lover. And whether you’re looking to buy gifts for someone else or yourself, I’ve collected the best gifts for a chicken lover. Check out my suggestions, from the useful to the whimsical! And be sure to add your own ideas in the comments!

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