Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: plants

Diversions For Backyard Chickens

It’s 2022, and backyard chickens need something to do! I know this sounds a bit ridiculous maybe, but it’s true. A flock of chickens will start to bully each other or become otherwise destructive, so if possible you should give them some things to keep them entertained. That’s why I have my Diversions for Backyard Chickens list – this article has all of my best ideas for diversions in the chicken run so everyone stays bright and happy.

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Plants in My Chicken Run: The Spring 2021 List

Spring has sprung! And after the Insane Winter Storm of February 2021, I welcome spring this year more than ever. I love my backyard chickens, and I love plants and gardening. As I work to create perfect harmony in my chicken run, I’ve found some hardy perennials and trees that go beautifully with my little flock. Here’s my spring 2021 list of the plants in my chicken run.

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Go On A Nature Walk With Your Kids!

Let’s get outside! Any time of year is a great time to take your children to a field or park, and go on a nature walk. My children and I bond over these quiet walks, where I teach them and show them all kinds of things about the circle of life. Even if bugs and dirt ain’t your thang, you can still enjoy this activity with your kids! Read on for our family tips on how to go on a nature walk!

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Choose Kindness

I admit it. I got into a power struggle with my three year old the other day. I know it’s the “easy way out” and it doesn’t really help anyone, but I was tired and looking for the quick fix. Plus… he was being such a jerk! …There I go. Making excuses for not parenting the best way I know how. I just KNEW that trying to corner him into doing what I wanted wouldn’t work. But I did it anyway. It lasted about six minutes before my fatigued mind and exhausted heart said, “Enough. Choose kindness.” Continue reading

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