Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: preschool (Page 1 of 2)

Potty Training Your Daughter – A Whole New Adventure

When I potty trained my son, it was certainly a trial-and-error. We had apps and potties and told and all kinds of stuff. But it’s a whole other story with my daughter. She’s my last kid and she’s brilliant, stubborn, and feisty. So how did we potty train this little rebel? And what’s it like to potty train a girl? Read on for our experiences and recommendations, adventures in potty training your daughter!

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Fun Things to Do With Your Toddler

Got a toddler, huh? I bet you’ve heard that “the days are long but the years are short.” Still, that “days are long” part can be tough! My daughter and I had to find some stuff to pass the time once her big brother started kindergarten. And now I pass on my list of fun things to do with your toddler – with a free PDF list included for you to download and print! Continue reading

Holiday Lesson: The Nutcracker Ballet

My toddler adores the Nutcracker Ballet, and who doesn’t? The music is memorable and beautiful, the story is enchanting, and it feels like Christmas can’t come until we’ve watched it at least once. Between my time teaching elementary music and my daughter’s obsession with the ballet, I’ve made a holiday lesson for the Nutcracker based on a professional kid-friendly performance, that you can find on YouTube! Read on for the link, my suggestions to make the ballet a lesson, and a free PDF! Continue reading

Why Does My Child Lie? (And How Can I Help?)

Honesty is such a beautiful trait to have, and it’s one of the most important values that I want to instill in my children. And yet we are at the age where my husband and I are beginning to deal with our kids lying. We want to encourage our kids to always tell the truth, and to always come to us with anything, but we also need to know how to deal with lying. Here is what we’ve come up with to answer the question: Why does my child lie? (And how can I help?) Continue reading

What to Do When You’re Stuck at Home With Kids

So you’re stuck at home with kids. It sounds like the plot of a horror movie. Maybe the kids are sick. Maybe you’re sick. Maybe the car croaked. Maybe you have to wait all day for a delivery or a service. Maybe you’re broke. Whatever the reason is, you’re stuck at home… with kids. But it doesn’t have to be a miserable nightmare! I’ve put together an extensive list of fun things to do together. So until you’re out of home quarantine, rest easy. I’ve got you taken care of. Continue reading

A Listening Comprehension Lesson That You Can Do With Your Child

It’s time to start reading more “big kid books” to my four year old. These stories have more depth, more advanced vocabulary, and require a longer attention span. I think he’s ready, and I’m excited to share so many great titles with him! But I want to check for his comprehension as we go. Here I’ll share the meaning and benefit of listening comprehension, some of the titles we’re reading together, as well as an outline for a listening comprehension lesson that you can do with your child (including a free printout!). Continue reading

The Best Toys to Inspire Imagination!

I think almost every parent at some point feels that they have too many toys for their kids. It seems like no matter how much cleaning and reorganizing, selling and donating, threatening and taking-away we do, we end up with multiplying toys.

As our family looks to downsize and simplify, we notice that our kids enjoy their imaginative toys the most. These are the toys which inspire open-ended, creative play. (And as a bonus, they rarely require batteries or make loud noises!) I’ve compiled my kids’ favorites and the smartest buys, so read on for the best toys to inspire imagination – and I hope that they help your family pretend, create, and play together!  Continue reading

A Letter to My Son on His Fourth Birthday: Embrace Each Day

Oh my child. A year ago I found myself in the position of writing your annual birthday letter and wondering where in the hell the time had gone. Now you’re turning four. And I feel the time is like sand running through my fingers, no matter how desperately I cling to it.

But instead of dreading the inevitability of you growing up, I am going to choose to be excited for what is to come. I want to embrace each day with you, marvel at everything you learn and do, and be grateful that I am your mother. Continue reading

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