Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: preschool (Page 2 of 2)

How to Make Time for Your Oldest Child

My son, my oldest child, is almost four years old, and he’s not the baby anymore. His toddler sister still breastfeeds and requires a lot more attention (and supervision) than her calm, obedient older brother. This is great for me as a stay-at-home mom; but it also means that my son gets left behind sometimes, just because he’s older and can be trusted, forgotten about while his sibling wreaks havoc left and right.

Lately I’ve made more of a conscious effort to get quality one-on-one time with my son. He needs it, and so do I. Here is how to make time for your oldest child. Continue reading

Pre-K Lesson: Story Play

My son is almost four years old, which means I need to get used to calling him a pre-k aged child! My very own preschooler is absorbing all he can about our world, and is reading little by little. My husband and I, as certified teachers, are already looking to develop rigorous and fun lessons to do with our kids as they grow.

With perfect timing, Greg at contacted me about showcasing a quick-and-easy lesson plan to help pre-k kids get excited about reading. I’m proud to show you this simple activity which you can do at home with your preschooler!

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Adventures in Potty Training My Son

Ah, potty training. On the one hand, I’m ecstatic to be rid of giant preschooler poopy diapers. On the other hand, I’m not ecstatic about incurring giant preschooler poopy underwear. We’re in the trenches, y’all. The trenches of bodily fluids and peeing on cereal. This is potty training in all of its gross glory.

But as I trudge through the muck, I’ve learned quite a lot about all kinds of methods and tricks when potty training. Some of these tips are for any child, and some are specifically for boys.

So, without further adieu, I give you… the Adventures in Potty Training My Son. Continue reading

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