Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: regimen

A Non-Invasive Bumblefoot Treatment for Backyard Chickens

Let’s get right to it: Chickens are dirty. They dig around in the dirt all day and with that comes a certain amount of, well, mess. So bumblefoot happens. It’s sometimes possible to have a non-invasive bumblefoot treatment where you don’t have to cut into your chicken’s foot but can heal the bumblefoot with soaking and topical medications. Read on, and know that I’m here to help!

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Hemorrhoids: Tips and Remedies from a Mom Who’s Tried It All

Maybe they showed up with you birthed your kid. Maybe they showed up after a weekend of partying and eating less-than-smartly. Maybe you didn’t do a damn thing to deserve them. Whatever the case, you’ve got a nasty bout of hemorrhoids. I’m here to tell you about my experience (all G-rated, of course), what I learned from seeing a specialist, and what worked for me. Time to tell that unwanted friend that they’ve overstayed their welcome.

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