It seems like only yesterday I viewed cloth diapering as crazy, elitist, and way too damn confusing. Now look at me! – rocking the wash cycle, expertly folding prefolds and covers, and saving money like nobody’s business. And I’m not even a particularly intelligent person! It truly is a hobby and it boasts a learning curve for sure. But I love cloth diapering anyway – and here is why! Continue reading
Tag: save (Page 3 of 3)

You Want A Slow Cooker… Trust Me
If you’re a parent and you don’t have a loving relationship with a slow cooker, you’re missing out. Using a slow cooker – and planning my weekly meals – has made a huge difference in how we eat around here. I don’t know what I’d do without my crock pot! Continue reading
I have braved cloth diapers for the last four months, but up until now have been leery about trying cloth wipes. Making a solution, hanging them up to dry… it just seemed like more work than it was worth.
Now that I have been using cloth wipes for a few weeks, I wanted to let you know how it is going! Read on for a newbie’s perspective on cloth wipes, as well as some tips I have learned along the way. Continue reading
Once I became a mom, I sheepishly realized that I had no idea when to do baby photos! Trust me, your littles are gonna grow so fast that you want to capture every stage! Here is my recommendation on the best times to schedule those precious baby photo shoots!

Review: Milkies Milk-Saver
I cannot brag enough about this simple, quirky, common sense item! The Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector is absolutely ingenious. It will definitely be one of my go-to gift ideas for new moms.
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