RSM has one of the new chicken coop kits by Aivituvin! Check out the assembled Air27 model, suitable for 1-2 chickens, and see how it measures up. Make sure you look at all our photos and the video tour too!
Continue readingTag: size
I’m one of those people you call a “turtle” because I lose weight incredibly slowly. My journey is almost two and a half years long at this point, and while I’m down over 65 pounds, I’m not done yet! Oh yeah, I’m also a stay-at-home mom with two young children. With such a long-term goal, and so much mental and emotional (and physical) work that goes into reaching it, we can get frustrated. Here are some mental strategies that help with weight loss – and trust me, I’ve been there!
Continue readingIt’s recommended that you feed your family multiple times a day. You also probably use toilet paper, soap, and a slew of other household items. But that means that someone (ahem, you) has to do the grocery shopping! We’ve been trying out a few options at our house lately, and I’m here to report back with the pros and cons of grocery curbside, pickup, and delivery. Continue reading
I have always wanted to try a menstrual cup. The concept makes sense: save the planet, save some cash, and maybe even help yourself lessen those damn period cramps! But are menstrual cups really beneficial, or are they an awkward and gross alternative to pads and tampons? Check out my honest, unbiased review of the Pixie Cup menstrual cup along with photos, tips, and a demo video (all G-rated, of course). Continue reading
Chickens are such uniquely wonderful pets. They’re quirky, full of personality, and really easy to care for. But after having backyard chickens for a year, I’ve made a list of some of their weird mannerisms and behaviors. I call these habits “chicken-isms” and they’re worth reading about! Here’s my ultimate list of weird and hilarious chicken behavior! Continue reading
We are new to the world of backyard chickens, and we’re loving it! The single biggest expense we had to research, however, was the chicken coop. Now that our girls are living outside full-time, I wanted to give you an honest review of our chicken coop kit: the good, the bad, and some tricks to help you love it as much as we do! This is my review of the Innovation Pet Deluxe Chicken Coop, complete with a video tour at the end! Continue reading
Breastfeeding is incredible: it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and yet I adore it. I’ve been nursing now for over three years, which means I’ve gone through a lot of breastfeeding gear! This article will show you the honest truth about all the various bras and nursing tanks I’ve used over the years. I’ll also give you some general advice if you’ll be in the market for this stuff any time soon. I tell you about comfort, sizing, pricing, and how easy it is to nurse in these damn things. Bonus points if I can easily get my boob out with one hand! Photos included, of course. On we go! Continue reading

Review – Nixi Teething Jewelry
Isn’t it often the simplest things which we find we need the most? I mean, a teething necklace seems like such a no-brainer, and yet I just recently got one. It has made such a difference! When I wake up in the morning I put on my Ellisse necklace by Nixi. I wear it constantly and my daughter loves it. What was originally a thoughtful Christmas present from my sweet husband has turned into one of the top items I use as a stay-at-home mom. Here’s my honest review of the Nixi teething jewelry. Continue reading
I can still hear that whirring sound sometimes if I think about it… And Simon and Garfunkel singing “Hello darkness my old friend…” I pumped for over a year and a half for my first child; my breast pump was constantly with me. I must have spent hours upon hours with this thing – lugging it everywhere, washing parts multiple times a day, measuring milk… and my son’s life would be vastly different without the nourishment I provided by pumping. Get the scoop on a highly experienced mama’s review of the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump. Continue reading
As you get closer to your due date, your mind is probably going 100mph with the list of things to take to the hospital. Ideally, you want this bag ready to go in your car or by the door in case you have an “omg my water broke!” moment, and find yourself and your significant other rushing to Labor and Delivery.
Compiled from friends, websites, apps and hospital lists, here’s what I plan to take with me. And now I’ll share my ultimate hospital packing list with you! Scroll to the end of the article for the free downloadable PDF! Continue reading