Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: spray

A Non-Invasive Bumblefoot Treatment for Backyard Chickens

Let’s get right to it: Chickens are dirty. They dig around in the dirt all day and with that comes a certain amount of, well, mess. So bumblefoot happens. It’s sometimes possible to have a non-invasive bumblefoot treatment where you don’t have to cut into your chicken’s foot but can heal the bumblefoot with soaking and topical medications. Read on, and know that I’m here to help!

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The Trouble With Cloth Diapers

Our cloth diaper journey is coming to an end. My second child is starting to use the potty and soon I’ll be able to wash and fold our stash for the last time. It’s been a crazy adventure and one that I don’t regret! But since I’m always honest here on RSM, I thought I’d look back and tell you about the trouble with cloth diapers. Because sometimes they suck. These are the negative things about having fluff, what’s driven me crazy and what hasn’t worked for us. But don’t worry – as usual, I have tons of photos and suggestions for every complaint! Continue reading

The Best Outdoor Toys

Let’s play outside! The weather here is beautiful, and the kids and I are itching to be in the sunshine. Here is a straight-to-the-point review of the best outdoor toys – the ones that we have and love! And watch for a demo video at the end that gives you a tour of our backyard and the toys in this review! Continue reading

Sleep Regression Sucks… At Any Age

Sleep regression sucks. At any age. It’s always a dark curtain of despair in which well-meaning, loving parents turn into zombies, and wonderful children transform into shadows of themselves. A sleep regression can last just a few nights, or months. Sometimes there’s a clear explanation, and sometime it’s beyond mysterious. We’ve been through it multiple times with both of our kids, and I’m here to throw down every damn solution that I can think of. Because I remember: sleep regression sucks. Continue reading

What’s In My Cloth Diaper Stash?

Here at RSM, I love teaching people about cloth diapers: I know they can seem intimidating and confusing, but really they’re a fantastic and frugal way to diaper your little one! But like a lot of things, it’s helpful to see what a real live mom uses in her own home. So here I’ll explain and show you what’s in my cloth diaper stash! (Cue the cheesy game show host calling out “Whaaaaat’s in her diaper staaaaaaash?”) Continue reading

Why I Love Cloth Diapering

It seems like only yesterday I viewed cloth diapering as crazy, elitist, and way too damn confusing. Now look at me! – rocking the wash cycle, expertly folding prefolds and covers, and saving money like nobody’s business. And I’m not even a particularly intelligent person! It truly is a hobby and it boasts a learning curve for sure. But I love cloth diapering anyway – and here is why! Continue reading

My Cloth Diaper Wash Routine

I think one of the most terrifying and intimidating aspects of cloth diapering was “oh God how do I wash these things?!” There was no way I was going to use a good ole fashioned washboard and kneel by the freshwater creek in my knickers to scrub pee-soaked fabric. But I had to figure out a solution that would work for our family.

I had nightmares of baby poop smearing over all our work clothes, the utility room forever smelling of pee and regret. I did lots of research and have printed this routine out, proudly displaying it next to the washer. My hope is that it will shine some light into the mystery of “wait, you wash those… where? And with WHAT?!”

New and improved: updated January 2017 with two wash options, one for hard water and one for treated water! Continue reading

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