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Tag: stay at home

What to Do When Your Kid Naps

You’re a stay at home parent, and your child is finally down for a nap. Now comes the panicky excitement like a game show you didn’t know you were on: What do you do with this alone time? Logic says to take a nap or eat something, but part of you wants to take a hot shower or eat a half gallon of ice cream. And if you’re like me, you spend the whole nap standing in the kitchen with an indecisive look on your face. Then, just like that, your kid wakes up. Damn! So quick, check out my list of what to do when your kid naps.

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A Day in the Life of a Stay At Home Mom

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation over what a stay at home mom actually does all day. Some people forget that she exists, some think that she just lays around or shops online, and others are happy in their ignorance. I got really tired of being ignored and unappreciated so I thought I’d write down everything I did in a typical school day from when I got up until I went to bed. It’s the painful honest truth: This is what a day in the life of a stay at home mom really looks like. Read and be amazed.

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How to REALLY Celebrate Mother’s Day

It’s almost Mother’s Day! Or as I like to think of it, “One Day of Credit for a Lifetime of Unappreciation.” Just kidding… kind of. And to celebrate, I have compiled all of my mom-centered articles. Get my recommendations for what to get that selfless mom who never asks for anything; hear about the tough truth of being a working mom and a stay-at-home mom; learn how I battled anxiety as a new mom, and how I’ve learned to trust my maternal instincts. It’s all about us ladies, and how to celebrate mothers, at least for 24 hours. Make the most of it, and have a great Mother’s Day!

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What a Stay-At-Home Mom Really Needs

What does a stay-at-home mom really need? It’s my birthday month, and of course Christmas too, so a few loved ones have been asking me what they can get me. And while my mind can wander with all the ridiculous things I’d buy myself, I’m here to tell you that what a stay-at-home mom really needs can’t be bought in a store. Here’s all of the free and easy ways you can help a SAHM feel valued, loved, and remembered. Continue reading

The Double-Edged Sword of Mom Guilt

Unwinding in a fragrant, steaming hot bubble bath. Eating a delicious hot meal slowly and deliberately, savoring every bite and enjoying meaningful conversation. Getting a spa pedicure. Peeing alone. Apparently as a mom, I’m not supposed to want those things. Because if I do it means that I don’t love my kids. Mom guilt is real, and it sucks.

I don’t have anyone to blame for this mentality more than myself. Sure society can be a bit of a jackass sometimes, and make me feel like I should always be overjoyed to be trapped in my home 24/7 with my offspring. I don’t earn an income per se (though let’s not get started on the outrageous daycare savings) and I don’t have a “real job.” I mean, all I do is sit around and watch TV in yoga pants, right?

Cue hysterical laugh. Continue reading

Advice For Stay-At-Home Moms

I was a working mom for two years, and am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom since I had my second child. I had no close friends nor family who were SAHMs and I went into this new job without a clue. It’s been beautiful, stressful, and the best year of my life! My hope is to make your journey into motherhood as seamless as possible. Here are my tips for what to expect, and what to do, so that you and your littles are as happy as can be. Continue reading

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