Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: supplies

A Non-Invasive Bumblefoot Treatment for Backyard Chickens

Let’s get right to it: Chickens are dirty. They dig around in the dirt all day and with that comes a certain amount of, well, mess. So bumblefoot happens. It’s sometimes possible to have a non-invasive bumblefoot treatment where you don’t have to cut into your chicken’s foot but can heal the bumblefoot with soaking and topical medications. Read on, and know that I’m here to help!

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What You Need In A Chicken Medical Kit

When you become a chicken tender, you learn that having a backyard flock is a lot like having feathered kids who poop in the grass: they get hurt, they get sick, and you are their caregiver so it’s on you to take care of them. In the three years of having chickens, I’ve started to build an arsenal of what to have in your chicken medical kit. Here’s what I have, how I use it, and how you can be prepared!

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How to Build a Chicken Run

Who really rules the roost at your place? We’ve had backyard chickens for about a year and decided we needed to build them their own chicken run instead of letting them free range in our entire yard. Our build is working beautifully and so I’m passing on the information to you! Read on for how to build a chicken run which is functional, affordable, and versatile! Bonus YouTube videos and photos throughout, of course! Continue reading

Teach A Simple Listening Activity to Your Kids

I’m a music teacher who is now a stay-at-home mom. While my current role is different – I’m at home with my own children instead of a music classroom – I still love teaching age-appropriate music lessons to my kids! I frequently come up with new ideas, and I have a great session you can do with kids as young as two years old. This music lesson is simple and customizable for children preschool age and up, no teaching experience needed! Read on to learn how to do a simple music listening activity with your kids!

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Pre-K Lesson: Story Play

My son is almost four years old, which means I need to get used to calling him a pre-k aged child! My very own preschooler is absorbing all he can about our world, and is reading little by little. My husband and I, as certified teachers, are already looking to develop rigorous and fun lessons to do with our kids as they grow.

With perfect timing, Greg at contacted me about showcasing a quick-and-easy lesson plan to help pre-k kids get excited about reading. I’m proud to show you this simple activity which you can do at home with your preschooler!

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