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Tag: table

What to Do Around the Dinner Table

Eating together as a family is a priority in our house. For at least one meal a day, all of us come together to eat and visit and learn together. It’s a precious time where my kids will be around my table, and I want to cherish it! But I know sometimes we get distracted and tired and just irritated. So here are our ideas for what to do around the dinner table other than just eat, so that the whole family can have fun!

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Review: Lumpy Cubes by RoosterFin Games

Whether it’s for after dinner, lazy weekend mornings, or for when friends are over, every family should have a stash of fun games to play. Our kids are three and five, and absolutely love all kinds of games! And this is why I was excited to get the opportunity to review Lumpy Cubes, one of the bright original creations by RoosterFin. Check out my honest review of this up-and-coming game company, including a video demo at the end! Continue reading

How We Treat Meals With Kids At Our House

Mealtime with kids can be fun, or it can be hell. You have a plethora of issues to deal with, from picky eaters to messes. Your kids gotta eat, and you’d like them to grow up somewhat nourished, but sometimes mealtime is not the place for a battle. We have had great luck with some strategies regarding food and our children, and I’m happy to share them with you! Here’s an in-depth, honest look at how we treat meals with kids at our house! Continue reading

5 Things All Businesses Should Do to Help Parents and Families

America needs to step up its game when it comes to taking care of the family. We are a world power and a first-world country, yet there are so many things about being a parent in the US which are ridiculously lacking. While I won’t get into the massive issues which need attention, I have thought of five things that all businesses should do to help parents and families. These are fairly easy to implement and can be done by most stores and restaurants. Let’s all work to make the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave a sanctuary for families, too. Continue reading

Review: Baby Trend 2 High Chair

It has taken me too long to write a review for our Old Faithful, the high chair we’ve had for over three years. Our Baby Trend 2 High Chair is on Kid #2 right now and still going strong. It’s been an unexpected, unconventional focal point in our little home and I appreciate it very much. So I owe it its own review. (Ignore the over-personification of things, it’s a side effect of Chronic Mom Brain.) Continue reading

Diapering 101: Disposable Diapers

Before I was a mother, I had never changed a diaper.  Seriously.  And luckily, my infant care class taught me how to change diapers on a plastic baby doll.  But when you have a squirming, screaming baby at 2am, threatening to shower you with everything they’ve got left, classes and baby dolls aren’t a whole lot of help.  Welcome to trial and error… at its finest.  (Or messiest, whatever). Here are my recommendations for products and processes to keep you and Baby clean and happy when using disposable diapers. Look at the end of the article for a bonus video about newborn diaper changing!

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