Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: teacher

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Our oldest will be going to kindergarten this fall in a public school! My husband and I are teachers by profession, but this is our first time going through the “school readiness” process as parents. After speaking with teachers, parents, and online sources, we’ve compiled a list of things to do to prepare your child for kindergarten. We’re publishing this information in hopes that we can help other parents, especially if this is your first rodeo with a child going to school! Continue reading

Three Big Life Lessons I Want to Teach My Kids

There is so much that I want to teach my children. I’m not talking about specific facts, though those certainly have their place. I mean big worldly concepts, abstract things, life lessons that I want to lock into their minds and hearts while I’m still around. In mulling over this the other day, I came up with the three most valuable, most essential concepts that I want to pass on to my children. So here they are for my readers: three big life lessons I am teaching my kids. Continue reading

How to Protect My Child From the World: Part Four in a Series of Letters Between Mom Friends

Good morning my dear readers. Today marks the final component in my “Series of Letters Between Mom Friends” segment with the brilliant and honest Marie of Create Balance. We’ve been going back and forth all month discussing some pretty heavy shit, in regards to parenting a child in our society and our world. Please see her eloquent response below in regards to how to protect my child from the world, and some fantastic parenting advice in general. Continue reading

How to Protect My Child From the World: Part One in a Series of Letters Between Mom Friends

My dear readers, something has been hurting my heart for some time. Those of you who have children in school can probably relate to my situation to some extent. How can I protect my child from the world (and its assholes)? I wrote a letter to my brilliant friend Marie, who’s also a mom to a boy and a girl, to tell her about what happened and to get her thoughts. This is the first letter in a series between mom friends about how to protect my child from the world.

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Five Things to Remember As You Homeschool Your Child

I am not new to teaching, but I am new to homeschooling. My oldest child is four years old and we are working through a kindergarten curriculum together. Now that we have been homeschooling for a few months, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks for homeschooling. These are concepts that I try to keep in mind so that we are both successful and happy throughout our lessons! Here are five things to remember when you homeschool your child. Continue reading

Teach A Simple Listening Activity to Your Kids

I’m a music teacher who is now a stay-at-home mom. While my current role is different – I’m at home with my own children instead of a music classroom – I still love teaching age-appropriate music lessons to my kids! I frequently come up with new ideas, and I have a great session you can do with kids as young as two years old. This music lesson is simple and customizable for children preschool age and up, no teaching experience needed! Read on to learn how to do a simple music listening activity with your kids!

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Pre-K Lesson: Story Play

My son is almost four years old, which means I need to get used to calling him a pre-k aged child! My very own preschooler is absorbing all he can about our world, and is reading little by little. My husband and I, as certified teachers, are already looking to develop rigorous and fun lessons to do with our kids as they grow.

With perfect timing, Greg at contacted me about showcasing a quick-and-easy lesson plan to help pre-k kids get excited about reading. I’m proud to show you this simple activity which you can do at home with your preschooler!

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Play Etiquette for You and Your Child

I’m a mom. And a teacher. So I’m basically a seasoned professional kid watcher. And honestly, I’ve seen some behaviors from parents lately which make me angry and upset. To help spread the word and help you earn some good parent karma, I’ve put together my four biggest tips for you to follow when your child is going to be playing with others.

Whether your child will be in daycare, a Mother’s Day Out program, preschool, or just randomly playing with kids at the park or library, you need to be aware of these things. Your child’s happiness, health, and safety depend on it. Continue reading

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