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Tag: tradition

What to Do Around the Dinner Table

Eating together as a family is a priority in our house. For at least one meal a day, all of us come together to eat and visit and learn together. It’s a precious time where my kids will be around my table, and I want to cherish it! But I know sometimes we get distracted and tired and just irritated. So here are our ideas for what to do around the dinner table other than just eat, so that the whole family can have fun!

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Our Favorite Christmas Books

We try to be a minimalistic family, but not when it comes to books! And Christmas books are no exception. Each year I gather a few more stories to add to our little box of holiday books, and it’s a wonderful feeling to see that box come down with the Christmas decorations every year. My oldest is reading now and my youngest isn’t far behind, so what a perfect time to tell you all about our favorite Christmas books! Read on for our recommendations and please add your own favorites in the comments. Merry Christmas and happy reading!

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The Family Christmas Must-Do List

My children are old enough now that we can really start doing some fun stuff during the Christmas season. Whether it’s driving around armed with pajamas and cocoa to check out Christmas lights, having a specific “right” way to decorate the tree, or watching a certain movie on Christmas Eve, there are tons of traditions to do with your kids during the holiday season! We compiled a grand list: the family Christmas must-do list. Check out all of our ideas, and pick which ones would fit in to your home. And of course, add your own in the comments to share with other families! Continue reading

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