Like most people, I’d heard of cystic fibrosis (CF) but couldn’t really tell you a lot about it. A dear friend of mine named Stacy has been really influential in teaching my family about CF, since her daughter Elsa has it. I felt very strongly about getting some information out into the world to help more people, especially parents, learn about life with cystic fibrosis from a mother’s perspective. Continue reading
Tag: vaccine
As Isaac and I get closer and closer to meeting our little bundle of joy, we’ve started looking into pediatricians. There were lots of things I didn’t realize when choosing a doctor for your baby, and lots of questions I wouldn’t have thought to ask!
Below I’ve listed some of the things we’ve found out on our journey, followed by a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD list of questions which you should have with you when interviewing a pediatrician and their office. Continue reading

About RSM
Hi! I’m Sarah, an educator-turned-SAHM. I’m passionate about helping parents with everything from a healthy pregnancy to breastfeeding to tantrums. I’m in the trenches right there with you, but I’m also a (sanitized) helping hand. Read more about me on my full About Me page!
And yes, I also have other content that interests me, like homeschooling lessons and backyard chickens. Know that I’m driven by passion, and that everything I write is true and comes from the heart. I’m here to help!