Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: water (Page 3 of 3)

What I Wish I Would Have Known About Cloth Diapering

Ok, so cloth diapering is fantastic. I honestly enjoy it: it’s fun, cute, easy, and saving me boatloads of money.

But I’ll be honest: there’s a lot to learn. And it seems intimidating as hell. Putting diapers soaked with bodily fluids in your washer, and then back on the butt of your babe, leaves a lot of room for error. I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of all things fluff, but it’s been a long stinky road to get to where I am now.

In plain English, here’s a list of my tips for cloth diapering beginners. I wish I would have known! Continue reading

The Most Underrated Items For New Moms

Congratulations! You’re having a baby. How exciting!!!! I’m sure that everyone is flooding your mind’s inbox with tons of ideas and suggestions of stuff you just GOTTA have for you and the baby. While I have my own opinions of those things and what you really do (and don’t) need, this is not that post. I am teaching you what underrated – sometimes random – items you should add to your registry, or get for yourself before your baby arrives. These things are meant to make your life easier so that you can rest and admire that gorgeous little squish you grew! Read on for my list of the most underrated items for new moms! Continue reading

How I Prepared For A Drug-Free Birth

Any healthy woman who has a low risk pregnancy can work towards a drug-free birth if that is what she desires. However, it does take time and effort to prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Additionally, I really do think that all women need to have a mental plan on how they will deal with pain, even if they intend to have pain relief during labor.

I have had a natural birth in a hospital, and one in a birth center. Here are the biggest pieces of advice that I can give to any mother who is curious about pursuing a drug-free birth! Continue reading

Review: Frogg Togg Chilly Pad

So there’s this thing, called the Frogg Togg Chilly Pad, and I read online that it can help parents stay cool when babywearing. I live in Texas (and it’s H-O-T here, y’all) so I thought I’d try it out! But did it rise to the hype I’d found online? Read on for my honest review, plus a demo video!

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The Best Pet For Toddlers!

Growing up, I felt like the spawn of Dr. Doolittle. We had everything from dogs to birds to rats and saltwater fish (plus a bad experience with some anoles… Don’t ask). Now that I have kids, I’ve been impatiently waiting for the day that they’re ready for a pet of their own. Here are some great tips for getting your small child a pet which is easy and low maintenance! Continue reading

Review: AquaNexis Diaper Sprayer

The most common reason that people are leery to cloth diaper is because they do not know what to do about poop. Having someone’s bowel movements swishing around in my washing machine is not exactly my idea of a good time. Luckily for us all, there is the diaper sprayer. I chose the AquaNexis based on its combination of affordability and good reviews. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and I gotta tell you what I think! Check out the demo video at the end, too. Continue reading

Review: Chewbeads Teething Jewelry

Teething jewelry has to be one of the greatest parenting inventions since the sippy cup. It is fashionable, inexpensive, and super useful. My husband got me a Bumkins Nixi teething necklace – you can see that review here. But while the concept is fantastic, that particular necklace left a lot to be desired. So I decided to get another one! But what did I think of this one – the Chewbeads Waverly necklace? Continue reading

My Cloth Diaper Wash Routine

I think one of the most terrifying and intimidating aspects of cloth diapering was “oh God how do I wash these things?!” There was no way I was going to use a good ole fashioned washboard and kneel by the freshwater creek in my knickers to scrub pee-soaked fabric. But I had to figure out a solution that would work for our family.

I had nightmares of baby poop smearing over all our work clothes, the utility room forever smelling of pee and regret. I did lots of research and have printed this routine out, proudly displaying it next to the washer. My hope is that it will shine some light into the mystery of “wait, you wash those… where? And with WHAT?!”

New and improved: updated January 2017 with two wash options, one for hard water and one for treated water! Continue reading

My Test Drive with Cloth Wipes

I have braved cloth diapers for the last four months, but up until now have been leery about trying cloth wipes. Making a solution, hanging them up to dry… it just seemed like more work than it was worth.

Now that I have been using cloth wipes for a few weeks, I wanted to let you know how it is going! Read on for a newbie’s perspective on cloth wipes, as well as some tips I have learned along the way. Continue reading

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