Real. Simple. Parenting.

Category: Breastfeeding & Pumping (Page 1 of 2)

This category contains all my articles related to breastfeeding and pumping.

It can truly feel like the most difficult thing in the world when you’re “in the trenches” and trying to learn how to feed a newborn. Breastfeeding is the hardest task I’ve ever done. Ever.

But it’s also one of the most rewarding, and the most beautiful.

I am now a huge advocate for nursing and/or pumping, and want to do everything I can to educate and support moms on their journey. There are so many benefits to both baby and mother, but sometimes we don’t have all of the help and information we need to be successful.

Whether you’re breastfeeding, pumping, both, or undecided, I hope that my content is helpful to you!

Look here for honest reviews on gear from pillows to pads to pumps, reasons why you should breastfeed, tips and advice to help you and your child nurse for as long as you like!

Also find my breastfeeding/pumping book on my Amazon eBook homepage.

Revelations in Weaning My Last Child: What’s Changed, What Hasn’t, and How I View My Body Now That It’s Mine Again

My last child weaned from breastfeeding a few months ago. It was an incredibly significant experience, like a milestone for both child and mother, and one that you can’t really completely prepare for. There is so much going on physically and emotionally that I wanted to write about it for anyone who is going (or will go) through the same thing. Read on for my revelations in weaning my last child and learn about what’s changed, what hasn’t, and how I view my body now that it’s mine again.

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You Might Be a Breastfeeding Mom If…

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly one of the most amazing things you can do for your child. There are benefits to Baby and Mama, and it can be a beautiful bonding experience. But anyone who’s been there, also knows that it makes you more than a little crazy. And your life revolves around that little one (and your boobs). I made a list of things that may or may not make you a breastfeeding mom. How many can you relate to? Continue reading

Why I’m Letting My Last Child Breastfeed Until She’s Ready to Wean

Breastfeeding is a bittersweet, emotional journey for both Mama and child. I’m currently nursing my second (and last) child, my daughter who is about two years old. And I’m not weaning her: she will continue to nurse until she lets me know she’s ready to wean. A lot of people may not agree nor understand, but I have damn good reasons why I’m letting my child lead the way. I hope that this article will help moms make the right decision for them and their child when it comes to weaning off breastfeeding. Continue reading

Pumping Doesn’t Have to Suck: Tips for How to Pump Breastmilk

August is National Breastfeeding Month, and we are of course celebrating here at RSM. With over four years’ experience in breastfeeding and pumping, I feel like I should get my own parade! But breastfeeding isn’t always about the beautiful, serene moments where you and your child are locking eyes with mutual adoration. Sometimes it looks like a working mom sitting in a closet with a machine whirring away. Yep, pumping moms are breastfeeding moms, too.

So to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month, I wanted to do an article about pumping breastmilk. Because it can be stressful, time consuming, and isolating (and trust me, my experience was less than stellar). But don’t worry: pumping doesn’t have to suck. Here are some tips for how to pump breastmilk, both from myself and Jennifer Jordan, who’s the Director of Mom and Baby at Aeroflow Breastpumps. Continue reading

Breast Milk Jewelry: A Meaningful Gift for a Nursing Mom

Any breastfeeding mom can tell you that their journey nursing their child is full of ups and downs, tears and smiles, chaos and calm. I’ve recently learned about breast milk jewelry: a meaningful gift for a nursing mom. The pieces are beautiful and I had to find out more! So I spoke to Kellie who owns Milk Vine Jewelry and makes this beautiful, personalized jewelry for moms all over the world. Continue reading

The Four Biggest Things You Need to Know If You Want to Succeed at Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is amazing. I mean, it’s time consuming as hell, can hurt like hell, and gives you paranoia like hell. But other than all that, breastfeeding really is incredible! It’s one of the proudest achievements of my entire life, and I don’t regret a moment of my four-plus years of nursing my kids.

My first go around with nursing, I felt prepared. I took the class, read the books, and had boobs. Baby and I will be fine!, I thought. After all, breastfeeding is natural.

Now that I’ve been nursing for almost four years, I see what I wish I had known. So, to help out all of the other lactating mamas out there, I’ve built the list of the four biggest things you need to know if you want to succeed at breastfeeding. Continue reading

A Bedtime Routine for The Breastfeeding, Bedsharing Toddler

There are about one hundred ways to get your toddler ready for bed. And I bet you know them all: from baths to massage to lullabies and stories, everyone has the routine which works for their little one.

But when you breastfeed (which means that you probably nurse to sleep, and also possibly bedshare), your ritual can look quite different. So I thought I’d give some perspective to the parenting posts of the world, and show you what bedtime looks like at our house. Read on for a bedtime routine for a bedsharing toddler. Continue reading

Tips for Nursing in Public (NIP)

If you breastfeed, it seems like it would be super simple to leave the house. No bottles, no formula, just put the baby to the boob and let them get it straight from the tap! But I know that paranoid feeling of “But what if they get hungry and I have to feed them… what if someone sees?!” Let me give you some tips for nursing in public comfortably and confidently. Continue reading

Review: Nursing Bra and Tank Comparison!

Breastfeeding is incredible: it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and yet I adore it. I’ve been nursing now for over three years, which means I’ve gone through a lot of breastfeeding gear! This article will show you the honest truth about all the various bras and nursing tanks I’ve used over the years. I’ll also give you some general advice if you’ll be in the market for this stuff any time soon. I tell you about comfort, sizing, pricing, and how easy it is to nurse in these damn things. Bonus points if I can easily get my boob out with one hand! Photos included, of course. On we go! Continue reading

The Best Quick Guide to a Gorgeous Brelfie!

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the stunning images which have gone viral: a mother breastfeeding her child. This new trend for the breastfeeding selfie, aka “brelfie“, is not only helping to normalize breastfeeding, but it’s a gorgeous keepsake for the mom. Breastfeeding can be so difficult, painful, and time consuming, that these photos are extra special! You could save these to your phone, upload to social media, or even have them printed!

The guides I’ve seen for making a brelfie weren’t easy to follow (and the process is quite simple, as well as free), so I’m jumping on the bandwagon to tell you how to make one! Essentially you’re editing a brelfie photo on your phone with a free app, adding the tree with roots and then some badass filters.

This process can take less than 5 minutes, but I warn you: it’s addicting!

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