Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: discipline

How to Introduce A Dog to Your Chickens

Well how’s that for a niche title, huh? But it’s true – we have backyard chickens, and we adopted a new dog for our family; it took a few weeks of consistent work for us to get her acclimated to our backyard chickens (and them to her!). Here are all of our suggestions of how to introduce a dog to your chickens, including a multi-step video demonstration at the end!

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How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Every kid goes through some sort of crazy developmental phase around two to three years old. It’s hellish for everyone involved: parents, caregivers, siblings, and the toddler themselves. We’ve all heard of it and we all dread it, the terrible twos. I’m going through this now with my second child and I have lots of suggestions for you. So buckle up (and maybe pour yourself a strong drink), and let’s talk. Continue reading

How Do Your Kids Get Along So Well?

I often get asked “How do your kids get along so well?” My two children are a little over two years apart, and they’re together with me all day every day. Yet they adore each other, watching over each other and exemplifying kindness and compassion. While I don’t pretend to know exactly how this worked out so well, I racked my brain for some ideas that parents can use to help their children get along better with their siblings. Continue reading

Teaching My Child with Natural Consequences: The AP Alternative to Punishment

My son is an amazing child: he’s considerate, kind, and sensitive. And I knew early on that I would never spank or hit him. But he’s at an age where we need to have an effective, consistent way to correct him and teach him. I’m here to tell you: attachment parenting does not mean that you let your kids do whatever the hell they want. We have high expectations, we are consistent, and we mean what we say. But how we discipline our kids may look quite different from what you’re used to. We use what’s called “natural consequences.” And let me say, it works beautifully. Continue reading

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