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Tag: discuss

Body Autonomy and Your Kids, with Lindsay Brooks

Has this ever happened to you: a kid barges in your room while you are changing and starts asking you about your own body parts? Perhaps your child takes a bath with a sibling and questions arise about each other’s bodies. When these moments come up with your children, do you freeze a bit or perhaps feel uneasy? What should you tell your kids? What is appropriate for them to know at this age? Let’s look together at how to start the talk about body autonomy with your kids (and why you should).

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Five Questions to Ask Your Kids at Bedtime

As our kids get older, bedtime changes. Our four and six year old still share a room and we all do bedtime together, and we’ve recently started having a conversation as we all sit in their bed. My husband and I ask our kids five questions – we help the kids fall asleep full of pride and self love, we learn more about our children, and it’s a great screen-free way for them to get ready for rest! Read on for our prompts of five questions to ask your kids at bedtime.

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What to Do Around the Dinner Table

Eating together as a family is a priority in our house. For at least one meal a day, all of us come together to eat and visit and learn together. It’s a precious time where my kids will be around my table, and I want to cherish it! But I know sometimes we get distracted and tired and just irritated. So here are our ideas for what to do around the dinner table other than just eat, so that the whole family can have fun!

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How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Every kid goes through some sort of crazy developmental phase around two to three years old. It’s hellish for everyone involved: parents, caregivers, siblings, and the toddler themselves. We’ve all heard of it and we all dread it, the terrible twos. I’m going through this now with my second child and I have lots of suggestions for you. So buckle up (and maybe pour yourself a strong drink), and let’s talk. Continue reading

A Mama’s Instinct

Us mamas have doubt coming at us from all sides: everyone from our well-meaning mother in law to the old lady at the grocery store fuel that little voice in our heads which constantly says “You’re screwing up your kid.” But I’m here to give you a breath of fresh air, and to remind you that a mama’s instinct is pretty damn amazing. Continue reading

Pumping Gear for Nursing Moms – A Real Simple Guide

I feel like moms who breastfeed have lots of resources online, not least of which is right here on Real Simple Mama. But I think that moms who pump are often left to figure things out on their own. In a topic which is widely experienced but not widely discussed, I’ve created an extensive article about pumping gear for nursing moms.

Let’s talk about the stuff I recommend for pumping… ‘cuz there’s a lot. Continue reading

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