I have had two kids and I had been having some increasingly annoying issues. When my doctor recommended a pelvic floor therapist, I was both intrigued and embarrassed. Ladies, that appointment was absolutely fantastic and I’m so glad I went! Here’s all about why all moms – hell, why all women – should see a pelvic floor therapist. Don’t be scared, it’s fascinating and life changing and badass. And hey, there are benefits for all women, whether or not you’ve had kids.
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Breastfeeding is undoubtedly one of the most amazing things you can do for your child. There are benefits to Baby and Mama, and it can be a beautiful bonding experience. But anyone who’s been there, also knows that it makes you more than a little crazy. And your life revolves around that little one (and your boobs). I made a list of things that may or may not make you a breastfeeding mom. How many can you relate to? Continue reading
Our cloth diaper journey is coming to an end. My second child is starting to use the potty and soon I’ll be able to wash and fold our stash for the last time. It’s been a crazy adventure and one that I don’t regret! But since I’m always honest here on RSM, I thought I’d look back and tell you about the trouble with cloth diapers. Because sometimes they suck. These are the negative things about having fluff, what’s driven me crazy and what hasn’t worked for us. But don’t worry – as usual, I have tons of photos and suggestions for every complaint! Continue reading
Here at RSM, I love teaching people about cloth diapers: I know they can seem intimidating and confusing, but really they’re a fantastic and frugal way to diaper your little one! But like a lot of things, it’s helpful to see what a real live mom uses in her own home. So here I’ll explain and show you what’s in my cloth diaper stash! (Cue the cheesy game show host calling out “Whaaaaat’s in her diaper staaaaaaash?”) Continue reading
Cloth diapering is fantastic, especially when you can afford all-in-ones, or AIOs. They’re the most convenient of all the fluff options, but that means that they’re also the most expensive. I’ve gotten some as gifts and I’ve purchased some “more affordable” AIOs from Amazon, and I wanted to give you a fair and honest all-in-one diaper comparison!
Does it really pay to buy a “cheaper” AIO, or are they a waste of money? Continue reading
Breastfeeding is incredible: it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and yet I adore it. I’ve been nursing now for over three years, which means I’ve gone through a lot of breastfeeding gear! This article will show you the honest truth about all the various bras and nursing tanks I’ve used over the years. I’ll also give you some general advice if you’ll be in the market for this stuff any time soon. I tell you about comfort, sizing, pricing, and how easy it is to nurse in these damn things. Bonus points if I can easily get my boob out with one hand! Photos included, of course. On we go! Continue reading
*Updated April 24 2016: woo hoo more reviews!!!
Let’s face it: whether or not you plan to breastfeed, your boobs are going to leak milk. And for as long as you breastfeed, your boobs are going to leak milk. And unless you want to ruin everything you wear, you are going to want nursing pads. But have no fear, I have done the work for you – comparing SIX different styles of washable and disposable nursing pads from four different brands. I’m proclaiming myself to be the world’s first breast pad connoisseur. And oh yes I’ve got real-life photos too! (Of the pads, not my boobs). Continue reading

Review: Milkies Milk-Saver
I cannot brag enough about this simple, quirky, common sense item! The Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector is absolutely ingenious. It will definitely be one of my go-to gift ideas for new moms.
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