Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: money (Page 2 of 2)

Rev and User Testing: Two Real Simple Ways to Make Freelance Money

I know that I’m saving my family a lot of money by raising our kids at home instead of paying for daycare. But things are tight when you’re a family of four on one teacher income. So I’ve been looking for months at the best ways to really make some money at home, while taking care of two young children. Today I’m here to tell you all about my two winners, Rev and User Testing: two real simple ways to make money freelancing. Continue reading

What It’s Like to Be Married to a Stay-At-Home Mom: The Working Dad’s Perspective

I haven’t always been a stay-at-home mom, or SAHM. When I was pregnant with my first child, all the way until he was two years old, I was a working mom. I did the whole pumping/daycare/packing food/cry at dropoff thing, and I hated it. So when we got pregnant with our second child, I knew I had to make a huge adjustment.

While my husband and I were always in agreement that I should stay at home with the babies, we didn’t really know anyone (except his mom, thirty years ago) who had done it. And it was certainly a transition for our house and our marriage.

That’s why I thought to sit my husband down (after asking nicely, of course) and pick his weary brain. Now he’s the sole breadwinner for our little home, and he’s married to a SAHM. So what’s it really like… from the dad’s perspective? Continue reading

What I’ve Learned in a Year of Blogging

Well, Real Simple Mama has officially been in existence for over a year! And looking back, I’ve learned quite a lot. I’m the one-and-only person running this website, and I have lots of suggestions for someone just starting out. Here’s what I’ve learned in a year of blogging: tricks and ideas on what to do, what not to do, and a whole lot of other stuff! Continue reading

Let Your Kids Just Be Kids

I am begging with you. Pleading. Please quit wishing that your kids would grow up. Please quit being annoyed that they want to be held, that they can’t reach something, that they ask for you in the night. Please, for your motherly heart and for the sake of your child… let your kids just be kids. Continue reading

Advice For Stay-At-Home Moms

I was a working mom for two years, and am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom since I had my second child. I had no close friends nor family who were SAHMs and I went into this new job without a clue. It’s been beautiful, stressful, and the best year of my life! My hope is to make your journey into motherhood as seamless as possible. Here are my tips for what to expect, and what to do, so that you and your littles are as happy as can be. Continue reading

Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home: An AP Mama’s Experience

Being a stay-at-home mom has been the best, most difficult job I’ve ever had, or will ever have. And yet, I absolutely love it. Not a moment goes by when I think “I wish I was working instead of being home with my babies.” However, going from a working mom (Kid #1) to SAHM (Kid #2) was a challenging transition. Here I describe the good, the bad, and the ugly of both… all from an attachment mom’s perspective. Continue reading

Why I Love Cloth Diapering

It seems like only yesterday I viewed cloth diapering as crazy, elitist, and way too damn confusing. Now look at me! – rocking the wash cycle, expertly folding prefolds and covers, and saving money like nobody’s business. And I’m not even a particularly intelligent person! It truly is a hobby and it boasts a learning curve for sure. But I love cloth diapering anyway – and here is why! Continue reading

My Test Drive with Cloth Wipes

I have braved cloth diapers for the last four months, but up until now have been leery about trying cloth wipes. Making a solution, hanging them up to dry… it just seemed like more work than it was worth.

Now that I have been using cloth wipes for a few weeks, I wanted to let you know how it is going! Read on for a newbie’s perspective on cloth wipes, as well as some tips I have learned along the way. Continue reading

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