Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: snack (Page 1 of 2)

How to Help Chickens Grow Feathers Back After Molting, Mating, or Bullying

Hi there! I’m Sarah, the Real Simple Mama, and I love chickens. But it’s heartbreaking when one of our feather babies is molting, or has been bullied, or is feather picking. Losing feathers is an annoying, often painful process for our sweet birds. So I’m here to give you some suggestions of how to help your chickens grow feathers back. Read through the article, and check out the YouTube video of the same name, found at the end of the article!

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What Can I Plant in My Chicken Run?

I love chickens! And I love plants! But how do you successfully combine the two? No one wants to spend time and money at a nursery only to have their backyard flock consume everything, but we also don’t want our chickens to be in an ugly dirt wasteland (or even worse, get poisoned). In this extensive article, get my suggestions on how to research and pick plants, and keep them in with your chickens! And of course check out the video at the end which shows you what can I plant in my chicken run!

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What to Do When Your Kid Naps

You’re a stay at home parent, and your child is finally down for a nap. Now comes the panicky excitement like a game show you didn’t know you were on: What do you do with this alone time? Logic says to take a nap or eat something, but part of you wants to take a hot shower or eat a half gallon of ice cream. And if you’re like me, you spend the whole nap standing in the kitchen with an indecisive look on your face. Then, just like that, your kid wakes up. Damn! So quick, check out my list of what to do when your kid naps.

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The Family Christmas Must-Do List

My children are old enough now that we can really start doing some fun stuff during the Christmas season. Whether it’s driving around armed with pajamas and cocoa to check out Christmas lights, having a specific “right” way to decorate the tree, or watching a certain movie on Christmas Eve, there are tons of traditions to do with your kids during the holiday season! We compiled a grand list: the family Christmas must-do list. Check out all of our ideas, and pick which ones would fit in to your home. And of course, add your own in the comments to share with other families! Continue reading

A Daily Schedule for a Toddler and a Kindergartener

Juggling a family schedule can be pretty insane, and it seems like it just gets more complicated as your kids get older. I currently have a kindergartener and a three year old, and I wanted to show what our schedule looks like on a daily basis. I’ll also give you some suggestions when building your own routine at home. Look no further for a sample daily schedule for a toddler and a kindergartener! Continue reading

Fun Things to Do With Your Toddler

Got a toddler, huh? I bet you’ve heard that “the days are long but the years are short.” Still, that “days are long” part can be tough! My daughter and I had to find some stuff to pass the time once her big brother started kindergarten. And now I pass on my list of fun things to do with your toddler – with a free PDF list included for you to download and print! Continue reading

How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Every kid goes through some sort of crazy developmental phase around two to three years old. It’s hellish for everyone involved: parents, caregivers, siblings, and the toddler themselves. We’ve all heard of it and we all dread it, the terrible twos. I’m going through this now with my second child and I have lots of suggestions for you. So buckle up (and maybe pour yourself a strong drink), and let’s talk. Continue reading

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