Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: toddler (Page 2 of 9)

How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Every kid goes through some sort of crazy developmental phase around two to three years old. It’s hellish for everyone involved: parents, caregivers, siblings, and the toddler themselves. We’ve all heard of it and we all dread it, the terrible twos. I’m going through this now with my second child and I have lots of suggestions for you. So buckle up (and maybe pour yourself a strong drink), and let’s talk. Continue reading

How to Enjoy Your Hotel Stay with Kids

Family vacations can be so much fun! You get to see new places, do new things, and someone else does the dishes. But hauling your children away from the comforts and familiarities of home can be really daunting. We just came back from a vacation and I’ve compiled all of the best tricks so that you can enjoy your hotel stay with kids. Read on and add your favorites in the comments! Continue reading

How to Work Out With Kids

Being active is an important thing for everyone, but it’s doubly effective when your children get to see you model a healthy life. Exercising when you have kids is great and all, but it’s not always possible or desirable to dump your children off at a gym daycare, or hire a babysitter so that you can go for a run. But have no fear! It’s totally possible to work out with kids. Here are all of my cheap, easy, effective ideas to help you break a sweat – and a smile – and get your kids involved, too! Continue reading

Teach the ABCs to Your Toddler – and Have Fun!

I accidentally made up a great way to start teaching your child the ABCs before they’re even three years old. I did some random things with my firstborn that seemed to work beautifully, and now I am doing them intentionally with my second child. While it’s probably not what you’ll read about it in the official literary guides, it’s a simple set of strategies that really click with little minds! Read on to see how to teach the ABCs to your toddler – and have fun! Continue reading

Kids Can Do Chores: Why and How They Should

A hot topic on the internet lately has been the debate of if children should help with chores. I realized with a resounding HELL YES that my kids help with things around the house all the time – as they should! We have a practical, matter-of-fact, real life approach to how kids can help with chores. And now I pass on our system to you. Here’s my opinion – and my advice – on why and how kids can help with chores. Continue reading

The Best Cough Remedies for Kids

Being sick is no fun! What’s even worse is when it’s your child who doesn’t feel well. From daycare to playgroup to vacation, we have had our fair share of colds and coughs. And we’ve ended up trying every over-the-counter medication and remedy there is! So here I am to help you and your kid feel better as I go through the best cough remedies for kids. Continue reading

The Trouble With Cloth Diapers

Our cloth diaper journey is coming to an end. My second child is starting to use the potty and soon I’ll be able to wash and fold our stash for the last time. It’s been a crazy adventure and one that I don’t regret! But since I’m always honest here on RSM, I thought I’d look back and tell you about the trouble with cloth diapers. Because sometimes they suck. These are the negative things about having fluff, what’s driven me crazy and what hasn’t worked for us. But don’t worry – as usual, I have tons of photos and suggestions for every complaint! Continue reading

The Best Outdoor Toys

Let’s play outside! The weather here is beautiful, and the kids and I are itching to be in the sunshine. Here is a straight-to-the-point review of the best outdoor toys – the ones that we have and love! And watch for a demo video at the end that gives you a tour of our backyard and the toys in this review! Continue reading

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