Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: grow (Page 2 of 3)

Why Does My Child Lie? (And How Can I Help?)

Honesty is such a beautiful trait to have, and it’s one of the most important values that I want to instill in my children. And yet we are at the age where my husband and I are beginning to deal with our kids lying. We want to encourage our kids to always tell the truth, and to always come to us with anything, but we also need to know how to deal with lying. Here is what we’ve come up with to answer the question: Why does my child lie? (And how can I help?) Continue reading

How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Every kid goes through some sort of crazy developmental phase around two to three years old. It’s hellish for everyone involved: parents, caregivers, siblings, and the toddler themselves. We’ve all heard of it and we all dread it, the terrible twos. I’m going through this now with my second child and I have lots of suggestions for you. So buckle up (and maybe pour yourself a strong drink), and let’s talk. Continue reading

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Our oldest will be going to kindergarten this fall in a public school! My husband and I are teachers by profession, but this is our first time going through the “school readiness” process as parents. After speaking with teachers, parents, and online sources, we’ve compiled a list of things to do to prepare your child for kindergarten. We’re publishing this information in hopes that we can help other parents, especially if this is your first rodeo with a child going to school! Continue reading

A Letter to My Son on His Fifth Birthday: You’ll Always Be My Baby

Happy fifth birthday to my son! He is such a special human being, a calm considerate gift from God. This year is also significant because my baby, my oldest child, my firstborn, is going to kindergarten in the fall. It’s a strange phase that we’re in, because in some ways my son is so obviously a big boy. But in other ways, he reminds me that he is still so little. And as his mother, I’m going through all of these “firsts” for the first time, too. I hope that you enjoy a letter to my son on his fifth birthday. Continue reading

Kids Can Do Chores: Why and How They Should

A hot topic on the internet lately has been the debate of if children should help with chores. I realized with a resounding HELL YES that my kids help with things around the house all the time – as they should! We have a practical, matter-of-fact, real life approach to how kids can help with chores. And now I pass on our system to you. Here’s my opinion – and my advice – on why and how kids can help with chores. Continue reading

The Best Outdoor Toys

Let’s play outside! The weather here is beautiful, and the kids and I are itching to be in the sunshine. Here is a straight-to-the-point review of the best outdoor toys – the ones that we have and love! And watch for a demo video at the end that gives you a tour of our backyard and the toys in this review! Continue reading

What is a Balance Bike?

Our son had no interest in learning how to pedal a bike. We tried to encourage him but he just didn’t care! So when we heard about the concept of a balance bike, we wondered if it might be a better fit for him than a traditional bicycle. Read on for information about the pros and cons of a balance bike, plus photos and a demo video with Kiddo and I! Continue reading

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