Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: kid (Page 3 of 10)

Why Does My Child Lie? (And How Can I Help?)

Honesty is such a beautiful trait to have, and it’s one of the most important values that I want to instill in my children. And yet we are at the age where my husband and I are beginning to deal with our kids lying. We want to encourage our kids to always tell the truth, and to always come to us with anything, but we also need to know how to deal with lying. Here is what we’ve come up with to answer the question: Why does my child lie? (And how can I help?) Continue reading

How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Every kid goes through some sort of crazy developmental phase around two to three years old. It’s hellish for everyone involved: parents, caregivers, siblings, and the toddler themselves. We’ve all heard of it and we all dread it, the terrible twos. I’m going through this now with my second child and I have lots of suggestions for you. So buckle up (and maybe pour yourself a strong drink), and let’s talk. Continue reading

Save the Planet With Five Easy Hacks

We all want to save the planet, right? I hope that everyone cares enough about the human race to look at their own lives and say “What can I do to save the earth?” But it can seem depressing and daunting, especially if you’re on a budget. I’m a stay-at-home mom of two little kids and I’ve found that we can save the planet with these five hacks: they’re cheap, easy, and don’t take away from your quality of life. Plus check out my demo video at the end of the article to see the products in action! Continue reading

How to Enjoy Your Hotel Stay with Kids

Family vacations can be so much fun! You get to see new places, do new things, and someone else does the dishes. But hauling your children away from the comforts and familiarities of home can be really daunting. We just came back from a vacation and I’ve compiled all of the best tricks so that you can enjoy your hotel stay with kids. Read on and add your favorites in the comments! Continue reading

You Might Be a Breastfeeding Mom If…

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly one of the most amazing things you can do for your child. There are benefits to Baby and Mama, and it can be a beautiful bonding experience. But anyone who’s been there, also knows that it makes you more than a little crazy. And your life revolves around that little one (and your boobs). I made a list of things that may or may not make you a breastfeeding mom. How many can you relate to? Continue reading

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Our oldest will be going to kindergarten this fall in a public school! My husband and I are teachers by profession, but this is our first time going through the “school readiness” process as parents. After speaking with teachers, parents, and online sources, we’ve compiled a list of things to do to prepare your child for kindergarten. We’re publishing this information in hopes that we can help other parents, especially if this is your first rodeo with a child going to school! Continue reading

A Letter to My Son on His Fifth Birthday: You’ll Always Be My Baby

Happy fifth birthday to my son! He is such a special human being, a calm considerate gift from God. This year is also significant because my baby, my oldest child, my firstborn, is going to kindergarten in the fall. It’s a strange phase that we’re in, because in some ways my son is so obviously a big boy. But in other ways, he reminds me that he is still so little. And as his mother, I’m going through all of these “firsts” for the first time, too. I hope that you enjoy a letter to my son on his fifth birthday. Continue reading

Teach the ABCs to Your Toddler – and Have Fun!

I accidentally made up a great way to start teaching your child the ABCs before they’re even three years old. I did some random things with my firstborn that seemed to work beautifully, and now I am doing them intentionally with my second child. While it’s probably not what you’ll read about it in the official literary guides, it’s a simple set of strategies that really click with little minds! Read on to see how to teach the ABCs to your toddler – and have fun! Continue reading

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